The Australian Greens have called on the Abbott government to release the Productivity Commission's childcare report immediately.
"The childcare sector is in crisis and the government must release this report immediately," the Greens' childcare spokesperson, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
"What the draft report showed us is that, if the government doesn't increase funding, the childcare crisis will continue to worsen. Tinkering at the edges won't do anything until overall childcare funding is increased.
"The Abbott government's stubborn refusal to fund the sector properly is having a disastrous effect. Staff are leaving in droves and families are struggling to keep up with the growing costs of care.
"The Productivity Commission had it's hands tied by Tony Abbott's insistence that the funding envelope will not be increased.
"I call on the government to release the final report, accept the fact that more funding is needed and get on with the job of delivering high quality, affordable care to Australian families."
Media Contact: Noah Schultz-Byard 0427 604 760