Labor and child care wage reform – will they or won’t they?
The Greens have called on the government to clarify their position on child care, after it sought to distance itself from reports yesterday which claimed Julia Gillard was set to commit $1.4 billion...
View ArticleSenator Sarah Hanson-Young Reading to Children at the Pipsqueaks Mexican...
Senator Hanson-Young joined Polly and the Pipsqueaks team at the Mexican Spring Fiesta Market. Sarah had terrific time reading "Patch The Brave Heart Bear" to the children and browsing the various...
View ArticleGreens to HELP childcare workers stay in the industry
The Greens have announced a Treasury costed scheme today that would help to attract hundreds of teachers into childcare centres around the country, while also encouraging them to stay in the...
View ArticleSupport our children by boosting the number of qualified early childcare...
As parents, we expect that the people caring for and educating our children will be well qualified. Currently this just isn’t the case and it needs to be more
View ArticleSurvey Says: Childcare situation worsening
A Greens survey of over 230 childcare centres across Australia has found that fees and waiting lists are continuing to grow while the number of available places is shrinking."Several concerning trends...
View ArticleLifting quality of childcare essential for our children
Investment in the childcare sector is needed to ensure as many Australian children as possible get the best start in life, the Australian Greens said today.“The government needs to do more to ensure...
View ArticleAussie parents to have their say on childcare
The Greens launched a national childcare survey today, at, giving parents around Australia a chance to tell their stories about the experience of enrolling their children into...
View ArticleProtecting new mothers' rights at work
The Australian Greens have said that it’s time for the Labor Party to get serious about parental leave, making it an enforceable workplace entitlement with proper pay.“If we acknowledge that pregnant...
View ArticleChildren's Commissioner a win for our kids
After paving the way for the creation of the position, the Australian Greens have today welcomed the appointment of Megan Mitchell as the National Children’s Commissioner.“Children are some of the most...
View ArticleGreens call for direct funding to centres for childcare fees
Direct funding to childcare centres is an essential step to easing cost of living pressure on parents, the Australian Greens said today.“Breaking the childcare debt cycle with direct payments to...
View ArticleGreens to move for long overdue inquiry into childcare funding
The Greens will continue their push for a much needed inquiry into the childcare sector tomorrow, calling on the Senate to order the Productivity Commission to produce a report on the best way of...
View ArticleDirect funding of childcare centres would lift pressure off families
After the release of an Australia Institute report that shows more than one in three families are struggling with the cost of childcare, the Greens are calling for direct funding to childcare centres...
View ArticleGreens launch National Youth Survey
The Australian Greens are launching a new National Youth Survey today, coinciding with National Youth Week.The survey for 15 to 25 year olds can be found at"The voice of...
View ArticleGreens Paid Parental Leave: Fair and affordable
The Australian Greens have announced today that they plan to amend the Coalition’s paid parental leave scheme to reflect a fairer and more affordable model.“We need a paid parental leave scheme that is...
View ArticleChildcare: too important to cut
Senator Sarah Hanson-Young spent this morning with KU Children's Services CEO Chris Legg visiting the Laurel Tree House Child Care Centre in Sydney, hearing from parents about the significant pressure...
View ArticleStudents in SA shouldn’t be forced to live in poverty
The Australian Greens today said that Universities Australia’s report, which showed that two thirds of university students are living below the poverty line, shows why the Greens’ plan to increase...
View ArticleGreens paid parental scheme leaves the old parties behind
The Australian Greens have released their fully costed paid parental leave scheme today which is designed to support Australian families and help women stay in the workforce.Read the full plan:...
View ArticleBan Junk Food Ads for Kids
The Greens will ban junk food advertising during children's television programming, on websites aimed at children, and via smart phones.For years public health experts have been calling for a ban on...
View ArticleAn Australian Youth Parliament
The Greens will establish an Australian Youth Parliament to give the next generation a strong national platform and the chance to connect with the real political process.Young people are keen to...
View ArticleGreens’ scheme gives childcare centres a chance to grow
The childcare sector is facing a critical lack of available places, with parents facing an uphill battle just to get their children into care.Today the Greens’ have announced a capital grants fund that...
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